My Fitness Journey

I wasn’t always fit. Many don’t realise but I was the kid at school that would find any excuse not to partake in sports. It wasn’t until later in life that I made a decision to become more active. I always ate fairly healthy but I wasn’t always finding my 30 minutes of exercise every day. At the start of my fitness journey I was a long way from being fit. I would run a small park path close to my home which was only 300m. It made me feel like I was dying!!!! Then I knew I had a big problem and a tough road ahead.
I started off with a small goal. To run 5km non-stop. In addition to going to the gym regularly, every night I would run intervals of running then walking a 5km loop I had planned around my suburb. Eventually when I reach my goal and ran that 5km loop without stopping I thought whoooooooooooooii Ive made it! But it was time to set a new goal and see what more I could achieve. So the new goal became 10km which I achieved more quickly and easily than I thought. Then the goal became 15km and then 21.1km (half marathon). I had caught the bug longing for the runners high!! Before to long I was running competitvely and continuing to improve my performance times along the way.
Then one day everything changed. I was in the gym and the senior
trainer came and spoke to me. She said “you train hard but you look like shit”.
She was always known to be an honest, unfront person and she was right.
My physique had become that tranditional scrawny marathorn runner look.
The trainer said “come and train with me for 3 months and I will show you
how we can change the shape of your physique.”
So I thought OK I’ll give this a try.
It wasn’t easy at first because she didn’t want me doing any cardio.
No running – WHAT THE? What I didn’t understand was the trainer
was trying to help me build muscle and not burn the gains.
So for 3 months I trained with this trainer.
At the end of the 3 months I decided I was ready for a new challenge so I continued on my fitness journey to build a better shaped physqiue. After modifying my diet and training this way for 12-18 months I set about to compete in my first body building competion. I have for many years continued this part of my fitness journey eating, lifting and competing.


Big Red Values
I live by my values of love and respect for all. Sometimes in life we need someone to listen and show a little kindness.
"Your a real women and great values and that is so Awesome"

"you are the most beautiful and perfect angel in the universe"

"Big Red you are such a motivational and inspiring personality. You inspired me to start my fitness journey"
"You look awesome to me your faultless you are gifted and I'm so proud to have you as a friend"
"I admire you so much. You are a woman smart and beautiful and playful and powerful you are my inspiration"
"You are really an inspiration and role model to me. I am a super admirer of you and I love what you do in life"

"I have nothing but love and respect for you"