Chocolate is not the boss of you - Why we crave chocolate and not avocadoes
People talk about things like chocolate or ice cream as if they were magical gifts from the Gods designed to lead us into temptation and...

Taking your body out of the war zone
Many people think that getting fit and following a diet means starting a war with their body. They imagine that their eating plan will...

A Message to the Haters!
You may have noticed that when someone posts something negative on social media, I tend not to delete it. This is because I believe...

Simple tricks to keep you on track
A lack of motivation makes it tough to stay on track but while people moan about not having enough motivation. Here are a few simple...

Why do I spend so much time at the gym?
I’ve often heard the phrase ‘Wasting your life in a gym.’ If you’re not a regular gym goer, it can be difficult to understand the...

Socialising While on a Strict Diet Plan
I once had to leave a pub because I was preparing for a competition and pulled out my chicken salad to eat at 6pm. The bouncers were...

Losing motivation, how to make sure the setback doesn’t turn into a spiral.
Losing motivation, how to make sure the setback doesn’t turn into a spiral. Part of maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle or meeting...